Choral Evensong

A photo of choral evensong

Join us at 6pm on Tuesdays during three eight-week terms

Enjoy uplifting choral music from the past five hundred years sung by our professional choir; the traditional words from the 1662 Book of Common Prayer and the King James Version; organ music played on the historic grand organ; and expository Bible preaching.

The final evensong of the current term is on 18 March

Details of music for January to March



What to expect


Whether or not you are familiar with Choral Evensong, you are most welcome to join us. Apart from an opening and closing hymn, most of the time the congregation listens to clergy, readers, and the choir. The order of service tells us when to stand or sit. Our prayer is that God’s gifts of music and language would contribute to helping us listen attentively to His life-giving voice. The service is over in about 45 minutes – but join us afterwards for a drink in a local pub.

Photo of congregation at St Michael's
Photo of a service at St Michael's

Why Choral Evensong?


In 1549 Archbishop Thomas Cranmer took ancient monastic services and adapted them for his great Reformation project of a Book of Common Prayer. As well as translating the prayers from Latin into wonderfully resonant English, he intended Morning and Evening Prayer to expose the people of England to the words of Holy Scripture.

Choral services have been central to the life of St Michael’s for many centuries – a choir of boys, professional lay clerks and chantry priests was singing three daily services in 1375. Our weekly Choral Evensong continues this ancient tradition with a fine professional choir and the magnificent historic organ. The music is enhanced by the church’s inspirational acoustic and is partnered by the beautiful architecture.